Jesse and I are now officially Peace Corps volunteers! We had our "swearing-in" ceremony this morning at the US ambassador´s house. We're excited to move tomorrow to the site where we'll be living for the next two years.
Jesse and I will both be serving as professors of English at the teacher training college in the city of Xai-Xai. Xai-Xai is on the coast a few hours north of Maputo, the capital city. We'll be spending December fixing up our house and getting to know the community. We'll be living on campus along with the other professors and students. Work should begin in January.
Today is bittersweet because along with the excitement of beginning our term of service, we have to say goodbye to Namaacha and our host family. They have taken great care of us. Some memories:
* Our host family set out a snack for us to carry to class each morning, usually cookies and a juice box.
* When we stopped back at noon, lunch was always sitting on the table.
Jesse and I will both be serving as professors of English at the teacher training college in the city of Xai-Xai. Xai-Xai is on the coast a few hours north of Maputo, the capital city. We'll be spending December fixing up our house and getting to know the community. We'll be living on campus along with the other professors and students. Work should begin in January.
Today is bittersweet because along with the excitement of beginning our term of service, we have to say goodbye to Namaacha and our host family. They have taken great care of us. Some memories:
* Our host family set out a snack for us to carry to class each morning, usually cookies and a juice box.
* When we stopped back at noon, lunch was always sitting on the table.
* Namaacha is beautiful. We really loved hiking through the "bush." We could always look back and see the town so we could explore without worrying about getting lost.
* It was very fun to have babies and kids always around. They were always ready to play. In the photo above, Fina and Vina are pushing a toy car that Gito made out of wire and soda cans.
* The patience and encouragement of our host family was amazing. They helped so much as Jesse and I are learning Portuguese. It'll be fun to get to talk to them more when Jesse and I master more Portuguese - and hopefully eventually Changana, the local language, as well.
* Music and dancing. Dino and Mito turn up the volume of music in the house really high so that everyone in the yard dances as they work.
We hope to return to visit.
Thank you for your comments, thoughts, and support. We appreciate it! Hope that everything is going well for you too. Come visit us!
* The patience and encouragement of our host family was amazing. They helped so much as Jesse and I are learning Portuguese. It'll be fun to get to talk to them more when Jesse and I master more Portuguese - and hopefully eventually Changana, the local language, as well.
* Music and dancing. Dino and Mito turn up the volume of music in the house really high so that everyone in the yard dances as they work.
We hope to return to visit.
Thank you for your comments, thoughts, and support. We appreciate it! Hope that everything is going well for you too. Come visit us!
you guys are amazing! i sent the link to dan too and he agrees.. this is what he said "i start reading...and honestly i barely know your brother, but im such a baby i get teary"
haha, anyways jesse- i think youre little stories are hilarious and that you should have a part time job as a travel coorespondent...
i love you both!
I'm am so happy to read about all of your adventures. It sounds like you have truly found your calling--an opportunity to learn and grow and give back to people who need you, all at the same time. Blessings and love to you both!
From Dad and Mom with Love,
We are so proud and happy about your progress in Mozambique. God's blessing go with you and Emily through this wonderful experience.
Congratulations Jesse and Emily,
I just received your parents' Christmas card and loved to hear of all of your wonderful adventures. Teaching is a beautiful profession and helping others as you are is so very inspiring. My children, Peter, Anna, Zachary and Elias love all the photos on your site. Visiting you through the website will truly expand their knowledge of our world. Much love to you both...cousin, Grace
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