Our Peace Corps experience is starting out well! We met the other 67 Mozambique Peace Corps volunteers on Sunday the 23rd ãt an orientation in Philadelphia and were impressed with the talent and enthusiasm of everyone we met. The 17+ hour flight went smoothly and we stayed the night in a fancy hotel in Johannesburg. Then we had 4 days of pre-service training in Maputo, the capital city of Mozambique. Maputo had perfect weather while we were there and we enjoyed gathering poolside for meetings at the hotel there.
Last Sunday we took a bus to the city of Namaacha, which is on the border with Swaziland. We´re living in Namaacha for our 10 weeks of pre-service training. Our host father, Jorge, met the bus and took us to our first home away from home.
Namaacha is gorgeous. The beauty of the colorful sunset over the hills will stick in my memory. We´ve been enjoying spending so much time outside. Jesse and I hike to our Portuguese language classes early each morning. Each professor has 5 students - the groups meet outside in the yards of host families. We are immersed in Portuguese and are trying to learn as much as we can. The professors integrate lessons with "walk around" trips - to the market to practice the new phrases, to the ceremony celebrating the end of the civil war, etc.
Outside of class, we learn from and love spending time with our host family. Our dad, Jorge, makes time and effort to talk with us. We have 2 moms, Lydia and Elisa, who teach us everything we need to know around the house. The host families can´t assume that we know even the most basic things about living in a village. We´ve learned to cook on a charcoal stove, wash clothes on a rock, swaddle a baby on my back, make flour by pounding and sifting, and bathe by splashing water from a basin with our cupped hands. I´m even starting to learn how to carry water on my head, cut open a coconut with a rock, and dance with the energy and awesomeness of Mozambique. (In addition, I´ve had to prove that I already know how to sweep, slice bread, etc.)
We have 2-year old twin sisters, Fina and Vina, who love being bounced and tilted upside down. Our 9-year old sister, Fina, works hard on chores all day. 10-year old Jorge likes to quiz us on the Portuguese names of things in our room. We also have 18 and 21 year old brothers, Mito and Dino, who attend the secondary school where we´ll be presenting lessons during the last couple weeks of our pre-service training.
The family´s land has 4 small buildings - a free-standing kitchen, a building with the dining/family room and 2 bedrooms, a separate bathroom, and a 1-room building where Jesse and I sleep. Roosters, chickens and chicks, ducks and ducklings roam the yard and wake us up each morning.
Jesse and I are doing well. We´ve learned so much already and are looking forward to learning so much more! We´ve experienced so much, it´s hard to believe that we´ve been in Namaacha for less than a week!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
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What an adventure! You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers at Trinity. And I would love to learn the skills your hosts are teaching you!
Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful adventure with us. We wish you both the very best.
It is great hearing from you guys. We miss you in the Obama group and hope you have a great time helping people that truly need your help.
Ray Prussman
I'm so glad you're safely and enthusiastically to your fist "home-away-from-home." Love and prayers are with you always!
Hi Jesse and Emily-
We were SO thrilled to hear from you and read about your adventures. It sounds like you have made a great adjustment to your new temporary homr. It's so good to know that your host family is so welcoming and giving you such a great beginning.
We continue to hold you in our prayers and loving thoughts
Mom and Dad (Routte)
I am so happy to hear about both of you. I was remember my grandma' stories about how she had to cook and wash clothes, same as you are learning now. Enjoy your new adventure Both are always in my thinkings and prayers. Keep me inform about your new adventures.
Receive a big hug,
It was great to see your blog. My daughter Lisa is part of your group and traveled with you to Namaacha. Since contact is erratic (I assume you posted this during the Saturday trip to Maputo), it's great to see information about how things are going. Thanks for sharing your adventure.
Hi Emily and Jesse! We are so excited for you! It is yet again another completely new and exciting adventure. All of your friends and family will be anxiously awaiting any more news of your life and experiences there. Felix and I moved to Hong Kong and I started teaching English at a Chinese elementary school here. It is a big change from my former students who were so much older! It is a big adjustment, but I am getting used to it slowly. :)
God bless you! Good luck on the Portuguese! Hey, now you can come to Macau with us sometime and between all of us we can get around wonderfully!
Erin and Felix Choi
Hey Guys, I'm just passing through and sending you lots of love. I am so proud of you!!! I'll be in touch.
Hey! You 2 awesome folks:) I miss both of you. I glad to see things are going well. Somary says HI. Guess what? I passed the MATH PRAXIS.. Yes Behold.. Mardok commanded it LOL. So I am again well on my way to becomming a great teacher!! Can't wait to play FIFA Jesse but I guess we will be playin FIFA 2010. HAHA hope to hear from you fine folks soon. Take care & LOVE YA,
So way to tell me you finally left. Guess I am visiting Mozambique sometime next year. Have you met my friend Kevin Skolnik? I worked with him at Seeds of Peace. He is a volunteer there. Let me know how you are. Enjoy PST, suckers....my thoughts and prayers are with you.
I was so happy to receive Carole's email with your blog. I'll see Luther this Friday to do a "Bridging the Generation Gap" show on BCTV and will get the latest report from him then. Fall weather is here today with leaves coming down, sun shining, and a crisp breeze.
Atonement's new Associate Pastor, Jason Lee, had his installation on Sunday. He and his wife, Dana, are very excited about his ministry in the Northeast (he's from the South.) We miss your Mom and Dad, but know Jason will be an asset to the Youth ministry. I'm still involved in the school district. If you feel there would be a good connection/partnerships with students at WASD and your Peace Corp experience, please let me know. Without computers, the children there couldn't have electronic pen pals, but maybe something else- sending school supplies- could be arranged. Let me know what the children's school needs are and maybe we can work out something. Have fun and know I am thinking of you often! Judy Stoudt
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